African Real Estate Financial Modelling School
Create sophisticated flexible models in Excel from scratch that could accommodate a variety of investment strategies.
Over these five-weeks, you will learn the best practices on how to invest in income-generating buildings as well as development schemes. The cash flow models will cover the setup of rent functions for a multi-let property including multiple lease features such as reviews, indexations, void and tenant incentives. The training will also review the structuring of development cashflow from residual appraisal to the distribution of cost through S-curve.
On this course you will:
- Learn how to model different strategies of real estate financing whether in the context of investment properties or development properties
- Employ the best practices of risk/return analysis which will provide you with the foundational knowledge to be applied to the African real estate markets.
People who will benefit from this course:
- Real Estate Analysts, surveyors and investors
- Portfolio Analysts and Investment Managers
- Real Estate professionals at any level with exposure to real estate financial models on a frequent basis
- APC candidates
- Developers and surveyors
- Real Estate professionals at any level with exposure to real estate financial models on a frequent basis
- Fund managers, asset manager and Land managers
- Planning managers and lenders
- Real Estate professionals from a mid to senior level with exposure to Real Estate financial models
- Mid-level to senior Real Estate Analysts who would like to advance their financial modelling skills in areas such as development, portfolio analysis, and risk analysis
- Real Estate Investors who would like to expand their knowledge and understanding of Real Estate cash flow models to an advanced level
Module Information
Real Estate Analyst I
Essential modelling skills for commercial investment cash flows.
Learning outcomes
- Learn how to structure an investment cash flow from first principles and how to value and appraise property investments
- Build quarterly discounted cash flows
- Employ best practice and find solutions to common modelling problem
Real Estate Analyst II
Advanced Financial Modelling skills for commercial investment cash flows
Learning outcomes
- Look in depth at modelling tenancy schedules: rent reviews, upward-only, break options, lease expiry
- Build OPEX and CAPEX into your cash flow
- Employ best practice and find solutions to common modelling problems
Real Estate Development I
Property Development Appraisals
Learning outcomes
- This course will show delegates how to appraise projects in Excel, incorporate and communicate updates as they happen and ultimately understand how to convert an opportunistic property investment into a core asset that can be sold on
- updates as they happen and ultimately understand how to convert an opportunistic property investment into a core asset that can be sold on
- Learn how to calculate land and profit residuals
- Employ best practice and find solutions to common modelling problems
Real Estate Development II
Advanced Financial Modelling skills for development cash flows
Learning outcomes
- Learn how to structure a full development cash flow
- Phased sales, S-curve and straight-line cost functions
- You will be taught how to find maximum bidding prices for site development and building refurbishments
- Understanding development financing considerations and learn how to optimise financing
- Analyse financial and project completion risks
- Employ best practice and find solutions to common modelling problems
Real Estate Modelling Masterclass
Advanced Modelling Skills for investment cash flows (Finance and Risk)
Learning outcomes
- Analyse the examples of localised models
- Discuss case studies: analysing real property models & identifying peculiarities
- Learn the full spectrum risk analysis: Sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis & Monte Carlo
- Generate and analyse financial statements from cash flow models
- Learn real estate performance analysis and benchmarking
- Analyse portfolios and aspects of real estate performance metrics
In partnership with
Course Details
Duration: Five weeks
Course type: Financial Modelling
Course level:
CPD hours: 37.5

Training package options:
• Whole school
• Module 1, 2 & 5
• Module 3 & 4
Five Modules – one per week
Module 1: Real Estate Analyst
Date: 30th October 2021
Module 2: Real Estate Analyst II
Date: 6th November 2021
Module 3: Real Estate Development I
Date: 20th November 2021
Module 4: Real Estate Development II
Date: 27th November 2021
Module 5: Real Estate Modelling Masterclass
Date: 4th December 2021
How to Book
For bookings and further information contact:
Jacob Noble
[email protected]
Available Methods of Delivery