Ipsos Retail Performance has released its latest monthly report, analysing the retail traffic in UK retail environments and forecasting the changes across the UK regions for the month of March.

Despite the ‘Beast from the East’ reappearing in parts of the country in March, Ipsos Retail Performance is predicting that footfall will increase by 8% over February. with slight variations across the different regions of the country. Northern Ireland, London & The South East are expected to experience a slower increase compared with the rest of the country, 5% and 4.9% respectively. SW England and Wales are expected to experience a marginal footfall gain of 7.8%, in line with the national average. Strongest growth is forecast in the Midlands with a significant 11.6% increase in footfall.

Longer daylight hours and the promise of Spring will contribute to push up footfall levels in March.

By Sonia Martin Gutierrez, CEO at Bayfield Training
Follow me: @Bayfield_Sonia

If you would like to learn more about Ipsos Retail Performance, they will be presenting at our Introduction to Shopping Centre Investment course this May in London.